Hi, my name is

Odeysiuss Tuon.

I am a newgrad developer.

I touch various domains of Computer Science such as web development, game development, and education. My focus is on great user experiences and long-lasting applications.

About Me

I am a summa cum laude newgrad in Computer Science ready to start my journey as a software developer. My recent projects are in the web development domain, but I have also developed a few games and automation tools, such as Discord bots. Outside of Computer Science, I have a minor in Linguistics and have taken an interest in studying languages. My other hobbies include creative writing, music (piano and guitar), and rhythm gaming. I am currently looking for new opportunities as an entry-level software engineer within the Greater Seattle area. The technologies I've worked with include:
  • Python
  • JavaScript & TypeScript
  • C & C++
  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • React
  • Svelte & SvelteKit
  • Flask
  • C#
  • Lua
  • SQL, PostgreSQL, & MongoDB


Professor's Assistant - Washington State University
Aug 2021 - May 2022
For two semesters, I hosted weekly 100-level Computer Science labs, which included helping students and fostering a welcoming environment. Some of my other responsibilities included: grading labs, quizzes, projects, and exams, as well as hosting office hours to help any student, especially those struggling or falling behind.
Capstone Software Engineer - Community Action Center
Aug 2021 - May 2022

I worked in a team of three on an inventory management system built from scratch using only JavaScript, the W2UI library, Flask, and a PostgreSQL server. The experience was close to software engineering, which included:

  • Requirements elicitation with the primary stakeholder, the Community Action Center, in order to develop user stories.
  • Weekly sprints for implementing new features and resolving user stories, as well as monthly written reports.
  • Writing a technical documentation which included the software architecture and wireframe diagrams needed to implement the entire project.
  • Setting up CI/CD pipelines for automated unit testing.
Multiple Roles - Northside Café
Mar 2021 - Aug 2021
At Northside Café, I gained a lot of real-world job experience, such as teamwork, time management, and responsibility. In a fast-paced environment, I greeted guests with friendliness to ensure a welcoming environment. Asking questions to not fall behind was the biggest strength I developed here.


2018 - 2022
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Washington State University
GPA: 3.95 out of 4.0

Notable Classes:

  • Embedded Systems
  • Practical Introduction to Compilers
  • Intro to Database Systems
  • Systems Programming in C

Extracurricular Activities:

  • Cougs in Space club (2019)
  • CrimsonCode Hackathon VII and VIII (2019 and 2020)
2014 - 2018
High School
Lynnwood High School
GPA: 3.73 out of 4.0


Wordle Clone
Wordle Clone
A Wordle clone built from scratch using SvelteKit with a Svelte and TypeScript frontend and a SvelteKit and MongoDB backend.
History of English Guessing Game
History of English Guessing Game
Simple time period-guessing game for pieces of English text from any time period (e.g., Early Modern English). Implemented using SvelteKit with a Svelte and TypeScript frontend and a SvelteKit and MongoDB backend.
A simple Minesweeper clone written in C using the minimalistic RayLib library.
Syntax Tree Generator
Syntax Tree Generator
A simple Linguistics syntax tree generator powered by C++ and the C Graphviz library, as well as Flex and Bison for the lexical and syntax analysis of simple labeled bracket notation.


Summa Cum Laude
A 3.90 GPA or higher at Washington State University.
President's Honor Roll
For all 8 semesters in a row at Washington State University.
AP Computer Science A Exam
Achieved a 5/5 on the AP Computer Science A exam.

Get in Touch

Feel free to message me at anytime regarding any questions or opportunities.